
At this point in time, you need a teacher who knows about innocence and fun. Your troubles have become too overwhelming. This is not a time for worrying, and this Mentor will teach you how to let go and trust blindly.

Some examples of this kind of person include the roles of carefree people as portrayed by Gene Wilder, Lily Tomlin, Robin Williams, Red Skelton and Danny DeVito. This type of person never harbors anger or resentment--just operates in the now.

This Mentor is free in spirit, completely fearless, loves life, loves the world. This Mentor has no attachments, but loves everyone equally.

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Getting in Touch with Your Mentor

To get the "feel" of the Mentor's energy, try skipping for just a bit. Remember when you were young and skipping was just the perfect way to get from one place to another?

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Because this Mentor is without fear, sometimes trouble results from this person's spontaneous willingness to do anything without thinking of the consequences.

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Your Mentor's Special Gift to You

This Mentor comes to help you overcome your fear, to help make you more flexible and spontaneous in your journey. This Mentor lives in complete joy and will help you to learn to be in "joy." Receiving this person as a Mentor is a sign that you need to relax--stop trying to figure it out! Take it one day, one breath at a time.

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Your Message - The Moon

Deception and illusion hide the truth from you right now. Something as alien as lunacy controls the situation.

Are you deceiving yourself? Are you deceiving others? Is someone/something deceiving you?

You are filled with emotionalism. Hormones are raging and everything seems blurred. The blurring has made you feel that the only strategies that will work are deception, misdirection, sleight of hand, illusion or lying.

Mystery and camouflage seem to fill your world. Your intuitive flashes are difficult to discern with all of the illusions also filling your world. There seem to be no standards, everything seems up for grabs, everything's available. It is too much, crazy-making.

Think of the public persona of Michael Jackson. He is a genius who seems to mysteriously blur all of our objective images and to neutralize opposites. He personifies hormones and emotionalism, and he has the ability to play on the instinctual energy of his audience in a masterful way.

In such times, you still can break free from the hormones, center yourself and cultivate the impersonal, cool, watching attitude. When you are cool, you can help those around you to "chill".

Focus on your goal, on the ideal toward which you strive. When you are clear, you can use the instinctual and intuitive, and the energy released from all that emotion to give you the strength of purpose and power to help you to your goal.


Beware of becoming caught up in your own illusions. Possessiveness, boredom, jealousy and obsessiveness can trap you.

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Using stream of consciousness, write all of the words that describe situations or relationships that have failed for you in the past. Those words might include faithlessness or trust. Just write the words. Write for at least two full minutes.

Then, after each word write the reason that word/phrase destroyed your hopes. Now, own those words, explain the reason you allowed the destroyers to be encouraged--perhaps because you didn�t feel you were good enough to deserve success.

Finally, write how you would change to deserve future success. Those changes might include enjoy people or share money philanthropically or be willing to accept assistance.


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