The Humm

Between 1984 and 2008, Suzann spent enormous amounts of time weaving together a community of people interested in intuition, guidance, spirit, and the magic of life.  In the earlier years, she printed and mailed a quarterly newsletter, but later she took to the electronic age with her Humm newsletter.

While 2008 seems a very long time ago, some of the concepts, recipes and contributions made by people around the world continue to be useful. 

Please join in and add comments by emailing Suzann--Contact us.


Humm Index
Volume 2, #5 January 2008
Volume 1, #4 October 2007
Volume 1, #3 April-June 2007
Volume 1  #2 Jan-March 2007

Volume 1  #1 Oct-Dec 2006


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Suzann Owings, P. O. Box 40352, Albuquerque, NM,  87196
Phone: 505-867-0567

Copyright © 2006 by Suzann Owings All rights reserved.
All graphics contained within this site are the property of Suzann Owings and may not be distributed or modified without explicit written consent of the authors.

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